Calendario de actividades
del 22 al 23 de Noviembre de 2024

Curso de Excelencia en Urolitiasis. Avances en Endoscopia. 4ª edición

Actividad Auspiciada Actividad organizada por la Secretaría Técnica de

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Hotel ILUNION Atrium C. de Emilio Vargas, 3, 5, Cdad. Lineal, 28043 Madrid


Friday 22th –Saturday 23th November 2024. 
Directors: A. Budía and A. Pérez-Lanzac

Friday, 22nd November

8:00-8:15 Registration

8:15-8:30 Official inauguration and Welcome

I. Martínez, C. Díaz, R. Cansino, K. Sarica. A. Budía and A. Pérez-Lanzac

8:30-11:00 Live surgery session. Case presentations and discussion.

(Hospital Universitario la Fe de Valencia)

Moderators: K. Sarica, R. Cansino and T. Tefik

08:30-09:00 Semi-live surgery: RIRS in lower pole. L. Dragos

OR: 9:00-11:00 Live surgery: ECIRS. P. Bahílo and J. D. López Acón

10:00-10:15 Special lecture: Computer Vision Models & Robotic Endourology. T. Tefik

10:15-10:35 Semi-live surgery: PCNL for big stone. F. Ramón de Fata

11:00 -11:30– Coffee break.

11:30-12:30 Face to face. Moderators: A. Pérez-Lanzac and S. Colom

        11:30- 12:00 Tulium vs Holmium laser in stone disease surgery. J. M. López Martínez vs L. Llanes

12:00-12:30 RIRS. vs PCNL in stones bigger than 2cm. A. Budía vs. A. Servera

12:30-14:00 Debates in lithiasis: What´s new? Moderators: A. Budía and F. Ramón de Fata

12:30-12:50 An update in new ureteral access sheaths. A. Pérez-Lanzac

12:50-13:10 Intrarrenal pressure in RIRS. T. Tefik

13:10-13:30 Intrarrenal temperature in RIRS. S. Butticé

13:30-13:50 Advances in ureteral catheters. F. Soria

13:50-14:00 Debate

14:00-15:00 – Lunch break.

15:00-16:00. Round table: Does the composition of the urine matter? Moderators: J. M. López Martínez, L. Llanes, A. Budía and A. Perez-Lanzac

15:00-15:15 The effect of the composition of the urine on catheters and stents. F. Soria

15:15-15:30 The effect of the composition of the urine on kidney stones. A. Piñero

15:30-15:45 The effect of the composition of the urine on urinary tract infections. L. Resel

15:45-16:00 How to measure the urine pH? J. A. Galan.

16:00-18:30 Live surgery session. Case presentations and discussion.

(Hospital Universitario Vithas Arturo Soria/Vithas Internacional)

Moderators: A. Budía, A. Pérez-Lanzac, R. Campanario, J.A. Mainez and J. Moreno Sierra

OR: Live surgery: HOLEP for prostate > 100 grs! J.R. Pérez-Carral

        Live surgery: ThuLEP. RealPuls® Tm:YAG laser.  J. Sánchez Macías

OR: Live surgery: BPH robotic system: Aquabeam T. Rodrigues

        Live surgery: Convective water vapour energy (WAVE) ablation. I. Povo

Semi-live surgery: Cirugía de liberación uretral (Urolift). M. Fernández Arjona

18:30-19:00 Coffee break. (Non stop).

18:30-18:45. Patient profiles in BPH surgical treatment. Which are the recommendations?  J. Sánchez Macías

18:45-19:00. Robotic simple-prostatectomy: for who, tips and tricks. P. Moscatiello.

19:00- 19:20. Best of EUA24 and AUA24 in stone disease. A. Valladares and M. Mata.

Saturday, 23rd November

8:30-11:00 Live surgery session. Case presentations and discussion.

(Hospital Universitario Vithas Arturo Soria/Vithas Internacional)

Moderators: L. Dragos, K. Petkova and L. Resel

8:30-09:00 Semi-live surgery: Multitrac. M. González. (Streaming)

OR: 9:00-11:00 Live surgery: RIRS unilateral / bilateral. A. Budía and T. Fernández Aparicio

OR: 9:00-11:00 Live surgery: Miniperc / ECIRS. A. Pérez-Lanzac and A. Servera.

10:00-10:15 Special lecture: Dusting or fragmentation. Which one is the best option? B. Ballesta.

11:00– 11:30- Coffee break.

11:30–11:50. Management of renal stones sizing 2-3: The competition between Mini-PNL and RIRS is getting more and more stronger. K. Sarica.

11:50-12:50 Semi-live surgery debates. Moderators: R. Cansino and A. Budía

11:50-12:20 Bilateral RIRS. P. Bahílo.

12:20-12:50 Stone surgery: upper pole access. G. Zeng (Streaming).

12:50-13:15 Special lecture: Which laser do I need for stone treatment? T. Knoll. (Streaming).

13:15-14:15 Is there any treatment recommendation before and after the surgery? Moderators:  J.M. López Martínez and J. A. Galán

13:15-13:30. Oxalate calcium stones. K. Petkova

13:30-13:45. Infective stones. F. Marchant (Streaming)

13:45-14:00. Acid uric stones. S. Colom

14:00-14:15. Rare stones. M. Ramos Cebrián

14:15h Closure

A. Pérez-Lanzac and A. Budía